Monday 11 May 2015

What questions should be asked from a job candidate

People who have an experience of appearing in a job interview must be aware of the questions that employers usually ask. Most of the time they are related to personal skills that a person has, his past experience and some details that are needed to be considered while offering the job.
Mostly the employers follow a fixed lineup of questions that they are prepared for testing the motivational level of a candidate for the specific job. Most important thing rather than questioning, matter in an interview is timing or duration of interview. Employers should set or ask questions in such a manner that it should not resemble to a table talk or casual meeting.
It is not important that being owner of the company, you should take interview by yourself. An efficient and trust worthy employee of your company can perform this job too. It is better to form a panel or interviewers that can ask questions in each regard.
To make interview effective and resulting employers should divide it into three phases.

First phase: Introduction or Personal details
Most of the time, applicants are called for a job interview after going through their resume, that have submitted before. A lineup is formed containing the names of shortlisted candidates. Asking name and past experience from the candidate or confirming it will help interviewee to handle its nervousness and stay calm. After this employer should ask candidate about his awareness regarding job and tasks. First phase of the interview may also contain job seeker’s home location or source of connivance that he is going to use if getting this job. Why you want to do job? This is an important question and will let you know the aim or importance of job for the candidate.

Second phase: Capabilities and past experience
It is very important to know about the past experience or working history of the candidate. This will help you a lot in finding good and efficient employee for your company.  In this section you should ask interviewee that what are his capabilities, if he has mentioned any past experience of job do ask him about experience certificate or letter with personal views of his past company people.
Here at this time an employer must brief candidate about the job and tasks that he need to perform if get hired. He must also convey the targets that employee must achieve for sure. Moreover, employer or interviewer must ask candidates some question related to the job tasks so that he can have an idea that how the applicant will work, and what would be his strategies.

Third Phase: Future discussion
This is the ending phase of a job interview. Never the less, it got same importance as second one. In this time the employer may ask interviewee about his future plans. Important is that a dedicated person with strong ambitions can be very beneficial for your company. You can also ask him about the salary or his expectations about the salary. You must deliver information about the job timings and all related matters.

Many people especially offering job opportunities in Pakistan behave as they are hiring a personal servant instead of job employee. Remember the fact that you employee is working for the betterment of your firm. They are hired to work for the company that you own but not for you. Harsh and over confident behavior will annoyed the candidate and he/she might not accept your job offer because of your behavior.

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