Monday 18 May 2015

Career management and its importance

Career management is a hot topic and I have seen a huge content written on its significance importance and advantages. After going through many articles I have analyzed that I have some more information which must be added to attain this positive results regarding career planning or management. In my personal opinion people who gain some experience of professional life give more importance to career management while freshers often don’t emphasize on career management. They simply apply for jobs in Pakistan, wait for results and start working on any job. They never think of it never realize what is the importance of career management, who and how it could be done? What results you can achieve or how career management will help you in your professional growth.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, to "manage" something means to handle or direct something with a degree of skill, to treat something with care, or to work upon or try to alter something for a purposeTherefore, to effectively manage your career, you must skillfully direct your career with a purpose and with care.

A career that is started after completing proper plans and successfully managed has clear objective and move smoothly in preplanned directions. Many people focus or relay on career damages that are obvious to occur in professional life. I would say such people who do not take advantage of career management lose all time lavish money earning and self-satisfaction. Options and opportunities are assessed according to whether they are likely to move the career toward the vision.

On the other side, a career if the career is not planned or mismanaged tends to meander or may cause various problems when you really need to focus on your job. There are many people who just go on for jobs in Pakistan without even knowing work strategies, working responsibilities and other duties of jobs. They though join jobs but when they forced to accomplish tasks that are hectic for them they try to change job and career or get offended. To avoid such circumstances it is better to plan and manage your career before joining any job.

Sometimes people think they do not have to manage their careers because their company will do it for them, but this is attitude can be self-defeating. You are your own best advocate. Do not relegate your advocacy, support, and best interest to anyone else. Take control, and make a commitment to yourself to be your own supporter and promoter.

Career management is not something you suddenly achieve, or a point where you say "I'm done!" It is part of the journey through life and work, something you do continually to ensure your career and life reflects and honors your strengths and who you are.

To effectively manage your career, you'll first need to do some basic career planning: clarifying your vision of your career into the future, and identifying what skill gaps or other obstacles may be standing in your way. You will want to set some goals and milestones so you can track your progress.

Next, consider your personal brand at work. Does how you're perceived in the office accurately reflect your strengths, value, and career aspirations? Take a look at what you're known for, your physical appearance, the projects you're working on, and when people ask for your advice and assistance. If these are in line with where you're going, great. If not, it's time for a personal brand make-over. These can take time, as you'll need to pay attention to how you act, what you say, what you work on, and how you look over a period of time, and adjust as needed.

Finally, constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to grow in line with your career vision. While this includes promotions and job openings, also consider volunteering for projects or teams where you can gain additional critical skill sets, become known as an expert in an area aligned with your vision and interests, or gain you exposure with people who can help you in your career. Find a mentor within (or even external to) your organization and solicit their advice and knowledge regularly. Consider taking courses or getting certified if these actions are applicable to your situation.

Remember that career management is an ongoing process, and should be regularly reviewed, measured, and adjusted. Make it a priority, and direct your career with skill, purpose and care.

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