Sunday 28 June 2015

How to defend age discrimination in a job interview

Age discrimination is pretty much alive particularly while signing up for jobs in Pakistan. Job seekers being affected by that age discrimination find it had to resist and make their way out chiefly for the jobs which require a highest level of energy. Primarily make sure that that you don’t get discouraged by such things.  

Mostly companies fear to hire old age employees because they fear their heedlessness in  embracing new technologies which have become very important in today’s environments of competition.
A mature employee can tackle such situation very easily. Here are few suggestions by which you can use your age as an asset than a liability. 
Talk about your high level of engagement and rendezvous: it’s a matter of common knowledge that younger lot is relatively self-centered who prefer to work in their own right. Use their loss as your benefit and show determined and committed you are towards your assignments. Get in to your work and how them how far you can go to keep up with the tasks.   
2. Play your permanency card: Your age has added experience to your profile so use it as a useful weapon. Communicate with employers that how you have utilized your expertise to resolve issues in the previous job. For instance one of my coworker who was being interviewed for different accountant jobs in Lahore, took up their experience in the previous accountant job where he utilized hi gifted skills to resolve an apparent clash in the entries. Moreover, tell them ow loyal you were to your company where you spend almost a decade and had to left due to unavoidable circumstances. This will make them perceive you as a loyal employee.    
Give a mention of your productivity. Since you have already played your consistency and engagement card, and connect it to your enhanced productivity. Of course you are experienced, fused and consistent, who can doubt your productivity.
Speak about your experience: when they ask you of your age, tell them about your years of experience. Experience is a valuable nugget in the time of competition. Experience is a hard earned gem for which youthful energy cannot compete. If an employer hired a highly experienced person he would most expectedly not repeat the mistakes which he has committed already in the past.    

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