Thursday 23 April 2015

5 Tips to Get Rid of Career Dissatisfaction

A general perception of society regarding getting education is setting a career. I personally do not agree with this perception. Sometimes in life you may get bore of your career. You may get dissatisfaction, mind tiredness, stress, depression or anxiety at any level of your career on many reasons, even if you have excitedly chosen your career.

I have met many people suffering from career dissatisfaction while working on different jobs in Pakistan. Whatever the reasons are but latest psychological therapies reveled that career dissatisfaction can be removed. There are some specific therapies that can get you of feeling of career dissatisfaction.
Below here I am going to mention five points that will help you getting rid of career dissatisfaction. These tips are not equivalent psychological treatment but will help you in overcoming the anxiety regarding career or job.

Be assertive and learn to set clear boundaries

You are the one responsible for setting realistic limits and for informing your boss and co-workers about these limits. If either of these skills is hard for you, practice. Figure out what your boundaries really are. Hold imaginary conversations with your boss about how long you can work or when you can complete a project.

Set Preferences

This is one of those skills that will come in handy until the day you die. Your boss may convey a sense of urgency but that does not mean that the urgency exists. You must learn how to put the “big rocks” of your career first; there will be time for everything else. Learn how to tell your boss that project ‘B’ will have to wait until project ‘A’ is complete.

Make Up your Mind

This tip is straightforward but many people don’t do it. Why? Most of us look for complicated ways to solve our problems instead of practicing simple solutions. When you allow your brain to take a break, it returns to work in much better form. So make it a habit to take frequent breaks at work: do yoga stretches, walk around the building, sit outside, read a few chapters of a book, eat a juicy apple. Whatever you do, don’t just physically relax; clear your mind as well. Especially when you feel stressed

Set Environmental Boundaries

When someone complains about not being able to lose weight because they can’t resist junk food some doctor or another will usually point out the “simple” remedy: don’t keep junk food in the house. This is my favorite example of setting environmental boundaries. You create your atmosphere. Consider the difference it would make if you: set your cell phone on silent, close your email window, shut your office door, refuse to “chit chat” during certain hours of the day, etc.

Reconsider yourself and your work Attitude

You are ultimately in charge of your career life. Your boss isn’t trying to figure out how she can make your life more fulfilling. In fact, many times at jobs in Pakistan the more work you do, the more work your boss will give you. Your limits may or may not be in alignment with the company you work for. That’s okay; you are still in the driver’s seat. There are many companies that will accommodate your needs.

Even though career dissatisfaction is widespread, it doesn’t have to affect you. Clarify the main factors that are causing your unhappiness and then commit to changing those factors. Many people are so afraid of change that they just admit defeat and refuse to take any sort of action. Choose instead to take action and start to enjoy your career.

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