Friday 24 April 2015

How To Get Your Justified Pay Raise

We all work to earn handsome amount for our living. Few take initiative to put their concerns in light regarding pay raise. Many of us want it but a few of get courage for bringing up a pay raise to our boss. It our right but many employees feel reluctant to discuss. You are giving your best performance then it’s your right to voice out for pay raise when you think you’re not paying off well for your efforts and skills. It’s important for your career and happiness to address your reservation but, in appropriate and rational way. Here are some tips for getting that pay raise you deserve in the workplace. If they still not responding the go ahead to avail the opportunities and start hunting latest jobs in Pakistan.

1. Make a right movement with the right timing

Time is everything when it comes to address this concern. If your company’s financial situation is unstable then wait until it acquires a stable position by making immense profits. Pay attention on annual performance evaluation of yours and then talk to your manager about the possibilities for the salary increase.

2. Wisely Prepare

In the first place complete your homework before bringing up a pay raise issue. In order to get salary increase you have to get through a specific process as many companies have fixed percentage what they annually allow to increase. If you are taken on more responsibilities or you’re underpaid, check online the average salaries of other professional in your same position. Take a research for reasoning and in this way all you can back up your claims about less salary. Draft a convincing statement of purpose description accurately why you deserve a raise. It will help you remain confident in your right to get a raise.

3. Prove your value to the company

You have to show your worth to employer If really want to have a pay raise. Keep track of your accomplishments including sales targets, new deals signed and increased revenue instead of leaving it on your manager. Persuade your employer that the value you complemented to the company is worth more than the pay raise you’re asking for.

4. Explore Bonuses

Sometimes your company can’t have the funds to pay employees anymore right on that time when you are desiring pay raise. Consider any substitute incentives if your company can offer in addition instead of a pay raise. Extra incentives like, overtime, vacations if you have not taken. This shows you’re flexible to the needs of the company.

5. Be Direct

Seriously you are going to wait for a long time for a salary raise if you didn't pay attention to this matter. Sit down with your manager and bring up the topic when you see the exact time is to address. Be direct. Don’t beat around the bush because it’s of no use. Its tricky business to get pay raise. Don’t let the opportunity to get a pay raise pass you up.

Thursday 23 April 2015

How to choose the right career development technique.?

1. Learning style

Put simply this is how you learn.
There are three main learning styles which include:
  • visual – learn by seeing and doing;
  • auditory – learn by hearing and listening; and
  • kinesthetic – learn by touching and doing.
For example, visual and auditory learners may prefer a more classroom type of environment. On the other hand, kinesthetic learners may prefer career development techniques that is more hands on so they can learn by doing things.
What is your predominant learning style? You can take a simple test to find the answer.
When you are thinking about the career development techniques to select spend some time reflecting on your preferred learning style and pick the ones that match it.
At times you may have no option but to select career development methods that do not match with your preferred learning style. If this happens prepare in advance and think about what extra effort you will need to make during the event to get the most out of it.

2. Type of gap

This is your second consideration and relates to the nature of the career , skill or competency gap you have to close.
Spend some time reviewing your gaps to get an idea of which career development techniques will be most suitable in closing the gap.
There are three main gaps which include:
  • Knowledge gaps
  • Skill or experience gaps
  • Leadership gaps
If you have a knowledge gap then you may have to consider some form of education and training to close the gap. Depending on your learning style you can choose from reading books, going through classroom training or learning through self-paced e-learning modules.
If you have a skill or experience gap then it might be best closed by some form of exposure to the situations. Depending on your learning style this could range from observing someone who performs in those situations at a high level to actually learning on-the-job.
Pay more attention to the types of career development methods you select to close your leadership gaps.
While people at all levels need to display leadership skills it gets more important as you go up in an organization. Spend some time and select the career development techniques that will help you become a better leader.

3. Nature of career change

This is the final piece and is related to the type of career change you are considering.
There are three main types of changes which include:
  • further development in your present job;
  • moving to a new job in the same area of work; and
  • making a career change to a new job in a new area of work.
The career development techniques you choose should be closely related to the nature of the career change. For example, to develop further in your present job you usually need to perform at a higher level within the required set of competencies. This can happen through further on-the-job learning and being exposed to new and different situations.
Moving to a new job in the same area of work may involve some additional competencies that you need to become more proficient at. You will need to choose the relevant career development technique that will help you gain new knowledge and experiences related to the additional competencies. Depending on your learning style this could be a combination of both classroom and on-the-job career development techniques.
If you are making a career change then the gaps could be quite large and may involve completely new set of competencies. The mix of techniques you choose may well include a combination of formal education and training, work experience, gradual exposure to the new area of work and a period of intensive on-the-job learning.
As you go through this section reflect on your career gaps, your skill and competency gaps and use that information to select the appropriate career development techniques that best suit your situation.

5 Tips to Get Rid of Career Dissatisfaction

A general perception of society regarding getting education is setting a career. I personally do not agree with this perception. Sometimes in life you may get bore of your career. You may get dissatisfaction, mind tiredness, stress, depression or anxiety at any level of your career on many reasons, even if you have excitedly chosen your career.

I have met many people suffering from career dissatisfaction while working on different jobs in Pakistan. Whatever the reasons are but latest psychological therapies reveled that career dissatisfaction can be removed. There are some specific therapies that can get you of feeling of career dissatisfaction.
Below here I am going to mention five points that will help you getting rid of career dissatisfaction. These tips are not equivalent psychological treatment but will help you in overcoming the anxiety regarding career or job.

Be assertive and learn to set clear boundaries

You are the one responsible for setting realistic limits and for informing your boss and co-workers about these limits. If either of these skills is hard for you, practice. Figure out what your boundaries really are. Hold imaginary conversations with your boss about how long you can work or when you can complete a project.

Set Preferences

This is one of those skills that will come in handy until the day you die. Your boss may convey a sense of urgency but that does not mean that the urgency exists. You must learn how to put the “big rocks” of your career first; there will be time for everything else. Learn how to tell your boss that project ‘B’ will have to wait until project ‘A’ is complete.

Make Up your Mind

This tip is straightforward but many people don’t do it. Why? Most of us look for complicated ways to solve our problems instead of practicing simple solutions. When you allow your brain to take a break, it returns to work in much better form. So make it a habit to take frequent breaks at work: do yoga stretches, walk around the building, sit outside, read a few chapters of a book, eat a juicy apple. Whatever you do, don’t just physically relax; clear your mind as well. Especially when you feel stressed

Set Environmental Boundaries

When someone complains about not being able to lose weight because they can’t resist junk food some doctor or another will usually point out the “simple” remedy: don’t keep junk food in the house. This is my favorite example of setting environmental boundaries. You create your atmosphere. Consider the difference it would make if you: set your cell phone on silent, close your email window, shut your office door, refuse to “chit chat” during certain hours of the day, etc.

Reconsider yourself and your work Attitude

You are ultimately in charge of your career life. Your boss isn’t trying to figure out how she can make your life more fulfilling. In fact, many times at jobs in Pakistan the more work you do, the more work your boss will give you. Your limits may or may not be in alignment with the company you work for. That’s okay; you are still in the driver’s seat. There are many companies that will accommodate your needs.

Even though career dissatisfaction is widespread, it doesn’t have to affect you. Clarify the main factors that are causing your unhappiness and then commit to changing those factors. Many people are so afraid of change that they just admit defeat and refuse to take any sort of action. Choose instead to take action and start to enjoy your career.

Monday 20 April 2015

Must Have Skills For Accountant Job

Accountant jobs are considered as very tough considering the job requirements and intensity of work load. Seeing the evolution in the field that we have seen in the past few years is remarkable leading new options for careers as an accountant.  For a Senior Accountant jobs in Lahore as well as in Pakistan, there are several skills which you need to master in order to make your way through it successfully. 

Technical career path: for the technical side to adopt, you need professionals with high field knowledge and the ongoing field developments to keep a track of what’s going on around. In order to master the field as a technical accountant you need to understand technicalities of the subject in question and ways to tackle them. To successfully launch your career and making it up to the top posts like for a Senior Accountant jobs in Lahore, you should have academic courses on various topics relevant to accountancy like financial subject reporting or taking up the regulation department. Moreover, they need to develop the risk taking instincts to envisage the risk factor and ways to minimize that. 

 Industrial consciousness is must to have:  accountancy is affected by the business developments around the world therefore for a Senior Accountant jobs in Lahore, you should have an international as well as national perspective on the field of accountancy. For professional accountants, they must have industrial insight to formulate policies accordingly and see through the competitiveness. 

Strong communication skills: communication skills are not just confined to the field of accountancy, this is the demand for almost every field around. Regardless of the size of a company or the exposure it allows, it requires professionals with high communication skills. They need to coordinate every time with the project team, financial advisers as well as clients. So for better performance the need to work on their communication skills.  

Auditing skills: for professionals to excel in the field, workers must work on their auditory skills as accountants with auditing experience are most likely to reach higher positions and are hired abruptly by leading companies.

 Global expertise: accountants with a worldwide experience on resume are most likely to make it big in the field. For instance, when leading multinational companies look for a perfect job candidate, the best thing they look for is the amount of international experience they have. Such expertise make them immune to cross-economic crises and can easily work on the development of projects at every phase keeping their international experience as an asset.  

 Excellence in financial strategies:  given the worldwide economic conditions, the demand for financial advisers and financial business partners is on fire. Every firm requires to allocate a professional which can look out the company’s financial state and can formulate strategies to look for financial stability through innovative as well as applicable strategies.