Wednesday 30 September 2015

10 Things Highly Successful Tech Executives do Before Breakfast

Right start of your day is very important. You're all activates, what you eat, what you read and you exercise can impact how productive you feel throughout the day. There is no formula for the perfect routine of the morning it depends on your work. Here are some activates done by highly successful people in the industry do every morning when they start their day.These activities help highly successful peoples for achieving more batter career opportunities

1.    Wake up early in the morning.
 Time is a significant resource. Highly professionals take it up a score by getting up at 5:30 am, 4:30 am and even 4:00 am. They start with waking up 15 minutes earlier than usual time. Not just will they have more control in their early hours, they will also have more chances to do things that matter to them.

2.    They Read.
Executives’ stay updated. What’s going on in the world is an important part of their morning. They read newspapers and magazines in the morning.

3.    They do exercise and running.
Due to the busy life of executives, they do some exercise in the morning. They also go for a walk.

4.    They endure intense physical activity.
Executives participate in some sporting activities when they wake up.

5.    They meditate to clear their minds.
Before going to the office, many successful people devote themselves to a spiritual practice such as pray and meditation

6.    They send emails.
Many successful people start the day with email. Catching up on email is the best way to start the day for some executives. They send or receive their mails before breakfast. They may quickly scan their inboxes for urgent messages that need a quick response or craft a few important emails. When their minds will fresh they better focus on important emails, so they read them in the early morning.

7.    They catch up on what's happening in their industry.
Executives read about what’s happening in their industries before jumping into the day.

8.    They feed their pets.
Sometimes there's nothing more comforting then spending time with your pet as soon as you wake up. Executives mostly like to play with their pet at morning. They feed their pets.

9.    They work from the minute they wake up.
Some executives can’t resist the urge to work from the moment they wake up.

   10. They check on how their products are doing.
Regardless of the fact that they're not working diligently from the minute they rise, a few administrators monitor the status of their products before jumping into the day.

Monday 3 August 2015

Significance of Employee Empowerment

Not all the employers in Pakistan realize the importance of an employee satisfaction. They feel threatened by employee empowerment. In most of the cases, the relationship between an employer and an employee remains that of a leader and a follower. They are just expected to follow orders and are not expected to speak their mind, particularly in front of the bosses. However, only a boss with leadership qualities understands the importance of employee empowerment and let their employee grow and learns to work independently. 

Such employers are responsible for creating a competent workforce for the long run and in fact benefiting themselves more than anyone else.
Here are five basic rules of creating an empowered workforce.
1.     Share your vision with your employees: Bossy employers just pass on instructions; they never bother to discuss the company’s aim with them. However, those who want to empower their employees; they share their vision and plans with them. Research has proved the notion that if employers know what they are expected of, they perform better. Narrate the plan to them, give them the details of your vision and once you set the goal for them, give them a hand to move on to work with minimum direct supervision from you.
2.     Don’t get in the blame game: Putting the blame on others is not just an unprofessional attitude, but it cost the organization much more than that. For example, while I was working as a teacher in Islamabad, we had an issue regarding class performance. At that time our boss immediately terminates the teacher, however, even her termination didn’t affect the class as there was a fault in the system not with the few individuals. So if you blame individual employees and throw the blame on them without a proper investigation, your system failures will never be identified neither the confidence of employees on the system.  
3.     Take their opinion: Most employers in Pakistan consider the viewpoint of employees nothing as worthy and hence they don’t listen to them. Such an attitude kills the drive of career development in the employees as they want to be heard by their bosses. Therefore, listen to them to give their inspiration a boost after a small dose of modesty wouldn’t hurt you.  
4.     Encourage them: Employee’s productivity will be increased manifold if they think you are noticing their effort and value those. Express your satisfaction with their performance, though several ways you assume the best. For instance, if they did well at a presentation, let them know they did well. A little word of praise will boost their motivation to work with you and improve themselves for next time.
5.     Lastly, prize them: If your employees are poorly paid, un praised and underrate, you can never hold their loyalties with you for a longer time. Prominent world researches depict that unhappy employees can cost the excessive low productivity for companies. Therefore, set targets for them to chase and once they get it, get those rewards and incentives.      Such steps will motivate them to stay committed to your company.

Sunday 28 June 2015

How to defend age discrimination in a job interview

Age discrimination is pretty much alive particularly while signing up for jobs in Pakistan. Job seekers being affected by that age discrimination find it had to resist and make their way out chiefly for the jobs which require a highest level of energy. Primarily make sure that that you don’t get discouraged by such things.  

Mostly companies fear to hire old age employees because they fear their heedlessness in  embracing new technologies which have become very important in today’s environments of competition.
A mature employee can tackle such situation very easily. Here are few suggestions by which you can use your age as an asset than a liability. 
Talk about your high level of engagement and rendezvous: it’s a matter of common knowledge that younger lot is relatively self-centered who prefer to work in their own right. Use their loss as your benefit and show determined and committed you are towards your assignments. Get in to your work and how them how far you can go to keep up with the tasks.   
2. Play your permanency card: Your age has added experience to your profile so use it as a useful weapon. Communicate with employers that how you have utilized your expertise to resolve issues in the previous job. For instance one of my coworker who was being interviewed for different accountant jobs in Lahore, took up their experience in the previous accountant job where he utilized hi gifted skills to resolve an apparent clash in the entries. Moreover, tell them ow loyal you were to your company where you spend almost a decade and had to left due to unavoidable circumstances. This will make them perceive you as a loyal employee.    
Give a mention of your productivity. Since you have already played your consistency and engagement card, and connect it to your enhanced productivity. Of course you are experienced, fused and consistent, who can doubt your productivity.
Speak about your experience: when they ask you of your age, tell them about your years of experience. Experience is a valuable nugget in the time of competition. Experience is a hard earned gem for which youthful energy cannot compete. If an employer hired a highly experienced person he would most expectedly not repeat the mistakes which he has committed already in the past.    

Friday 12 June 2015

7 Top Reasons To Leave Job in This Modern Era

Undoubtedly, the acceptable reasons for leaving a job have changed over the years.

For example, even just a few decades ago, leaving a job would most probably mean that a person is either moving from his or her place of residence or that the company itself has closed for good. However, with the change in corporate and human mentality, there are more and more acceptable reasons for leaving a job today.

 The average job span of a person has decreased from a good fifteen/twenty years to a mere two to three years. Therefore, if you have worked in a company for two or three years and are now looking for a job, you may have many good reasons as compared to several years ago.

Answering the interview question: why did you leave your last job?
The following are a list of acceptable answers as good reasons to leaving a job:

Career growth 
you can easily say that you are looking for a change in role and wanted more growth, or even that your position was getting stagnant. This might be an acceptable reason for quitting your job, but this by no means gives you leeway to criticize your job.

Your career path 
one reason is basic dissatisfaction with your career. Remember that it is not about the particular company or the department, but your career on the whole. This reason would hold true if you have a rich career profile and are currently applying for jobs in Pakistan in a new profession.

Looking for challenges 
One of the most common and simple reasons is that your job was at a standstill and you wished to seek newer avenues and greater challenges.

another common reason nowadays is company restructuring. When a company restructures, it can lay off several people, and in a timeframe. Therefore, even if you have not been directly told to go, nobody would blame you if you are looking for avenues because your colleagues or some other department has been told to go.

More often than not, relocation is another reason that is blindly accepted by a company as a reason for looking for another job.

While these are just some of the traditional reasons for a job change, there are some reasons that are more or less accepted today.

Enhanced Education
another reason that can be provided is enhancement of abilities and education. If you have recently acquired a degree and have decided to utilize your education to enhance your professional profile, this would be a good reason to give for this question.

Workplace Distance
sometimes, even reasons related to daily commutation, like spending too much time commuting from your place of work to your place of residence, as well as less time spent with family can be considered to be the reason/one of the reasons for leaving your profession or jobs in Pakistan.

Remember that you cannot lie about the reason why you quit your job.

In this era of references and cross references, finding out the real reason why you quit your job is as simple as dialing ten digits on a mobile device.

These above are reasons for leaving a current job or a previous job.